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Lash Extensions VS Lash Lifts

“What’s better, eyelash extensions or lash lifts?” – one of the most common questions we get asked here at Eva Mercedes. And the answer? Well this depends on each individual. Both treatments have their pros and cons, and today I am going to explain through these, so you can decide which is best for you.


Let’s start with some information on the Keratin Lash Lift…


A Lash Lift, also known as a ‘lash perm’, lifts your eyelashes from the root, giving you longer looking lashes. The process involves a silicon rod being placed on the eye, your lashes are then lifted over them and the perm and fixing solutions applied. The treatment is finished with a tint and a keratin infused serum. This treatment takes 1 hour and 15 minutes (unless you decide to treat yourself and upgrade to the Signature Keratin Lash Lift, then this takes an hour and a half). This treatment will give you super dark, lifted lashes, leaving you with a ‘mascara like’ effect.


Now, this treatment is great for those who like low maintenance because there are no infills and the results last 8-12 weeks. After your lash lift, you have to keep the lashes dry for 24 hours; this includes staying away from steam and excessive sweating. So, do your best and plan ahead with your hair washing schedule or workout etc…


The only possible downfall with the lift is that we can work just with what mother nature gave you. This means your lashes will only be as full or long as they naturally are, we can’t add any extra length or lashes. Naturally, most lashes are pretty straight, so your eyelashes will appear longer because they are lifted up from the root.

Now let’s talk lash extensions…

We offer a variety of lash extension treatments which are completely customisable to each person depending on the look you want. This can be quite confusing to choose what you want if you’ve never had extensions before, but if you click here you can read more about the differences between Classic Extensions or Volume Extensions.

At Eva Mercedes we customise each set of eyelash extensions to you and your needs. We assess the state of your natural eyelashes to prescribe to you the perfect weight, thickness and length that won’t damage what you have. If you have previously had damaged lashes from another therapist, we recommend you come in for a consultation prior to booking an appointment for a full set.

If you are keeping up your lash extensions, they need to be infilled every 2-3 weeks. The average person has 90-150 upper lashes per eye. You can lose up to 5 natural lashes per day, that’s 35 lashes a week, and up to 70 in 2 weeks! This means after 2 weeks your lash extensions won’t look as flawless as when you first had them done. To keep them looking their best and lasting as long as possible, keeping extensions clean is so important. For cleaning makeup, dirt and oil from your lashes, a lash cleanser is the best.

With eyelash extensions, there are a few things that should be avoided. Firstly, is oil. Oil can breakdown the lash glue causing bad retention, and the extension falling out prematurely. This unfortunately means if you have excessively oily skin, your lashes may not last as long. Next is rubbing your eyes, this is because it can pull out your extension, and your natural lash with it. Sleeping facedown can also cause lashes to fall out or distort the direction the lash is facing.

So, to summarise each treatment for you, starting with the Lash Lift:

  • Lasts 8-12 weeks with no maintenance
  • Takes 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete
  • Uses just your natural lashes
  • Must keep them dry for 24 hours after the treatment is completed
  • Low maintenance

And Eyelash Extensions…

  • Infills every 2-3 weeks
  • Can take up to 3 hours to complete (great chance for a lash nap!)
  • Must be kept dry for 24 hours
  • Avoid oil on the lashes at all costs!
  • Can create a completely tailored look with different curls and thicknesses

Now I’ve bombarded you with all the lash info, you can decide which option suits you best. Pop us a DM on our Instagram pagebook online or give us a call or text on 0474 230 000 and we can get you booked in ASAP!

We look forward to seeing you at Eva Mercedes soon!

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